
Halloween is not  afun party or other inocent tradition!

Halloween is not afun party or other inocent t...

Take a moment. Think, as Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." 💭 Don't exist without thinking. I'd like to invite you to think and reflect about Halloween before decorating...

Halloween is not afun party or other inocent t...

Take a moment. Think, as Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." 💭 Don't exist without thinking. I'd like to invite you to think and reflect about Halloween before decorating...

No a Halloween, no es una fiesta!

No a Halloween, no es una fiesta!

            Tómate unos minutos. Piensa, como dijo Descartes, "Pienso, luego existo". No existas sin pensar. Me gustaría invitarte a pensar y reflexionar sobre Halloween antes de decorar...

No a Halloween, no es una fiesta!

            Tómate unos minutos. Piensa, como dijo Descartes, "Pienso, luego existo". No existas sin pensar. Me gustaría invitarte a pensar y reflexionar sobre Halloween antes de decorar...